Save the Date – 51st Anniversary Cup
BMTA is pleased to announce that on June 1st 2024 we will be hosting the BMTA 51st Anniversary Cup, a single day touch tournament for social and competitive teams, with plenty of off-field activities!
Last year, in line with our celebrations for BMTA’s 50th anniversary, BMTA launched the 50th Anniversary Cup. The single day touch tournament was a celebration of everything BMTA and provided members an opportunity to experience single day touch tournament atmosphere, right here at BMTA. With a full day of fixtures offering divisions for competitive, social and over 40s teams and off-field activities including passing contests, the post event function and sponsor pop ups, the event was a fantastic success.
BMTA are pleased to be running the event again in 2024, with minimal tournament style events available at this time of year, the event is an excellent opportunity to experience tournament style touch, without the travel or multi-day commitment.
Team Nominations and full conditions of entry will be available from late April, but a few key details are below:
The event will take place on June 1st 2024, with games from roughly 8am-4pm
The following divisions will be offered; Mixed Social, Mixed Competitive and Men’s 40s (potential for additional divisions to be added)
There will be plenty to do off the field with passing contests with prizes including café vouchers, a post event function, food/drink packages and sponsor pop ups
The event will continue to run annually as a celebration of everything touch football and BMTA. The naming of the event (51st Anniversary Cup in 2024, 52nd Anniversary Cup in 2025 and so on) will continue to pay homage to our great history and all the dedicated individuals who helped our affiliate become what it is today.
Stay tuned across the next few weeks for full event details, nomination information and special announcements regarding the 2024 51st Anniversary Cup.